Dear Parents,
Just a note to let you know we are doing well in our multiplication!! Please let your child go to to practice the 2's and 5's tables. We have used this in computer lab and it is an absolutely wonderful website. It will be useful next week as we begin the 3's. Our field trip to the Davis Theater is Wednesday. We are excited to see "Ramona Quimby." Midterm grade sheets will be in the Monday folder. Friday is a holiday as we celebrate Veterans who have served our country.
Bible- Luke 16:14-16 We will learn names of the disciples, and recite them on Thursday.
Spelling--Thanksgiving Word List Test Thursday
Reading-- Historical Fiction stories
Math-- Pages 124-126 Master the 3's in multiplication
Language-- Nouns Pages 60-61 Book Report information will be in Monday folder Please complete at home . Return completed book report and think-about-it sheet on Tuesday, November 15th.
Science--Pages 312-315 Wednesday-Chapter 7 Test Also pages 316, 317 in new chapter
Social Studies-- Pages 136-145 and Veteran's Day activity
Have a great long weekend!!!!!